It’s Possible to Sweat Through the Summer 2022 Heatwave in Style - Here’s How

IThe roasting mornings recently have made filling a wheelie bin with ice water and trying out the Wim Hof method strangely appealing, but for those city dwellers without the luxury of a giant plastic bin to shiver in, there are other solutions.
Sweating through a heatwave in style is a big ask, but it is possible to stay looking somewhat cool and collected with crisp, fresh fabrics and a waterproof mascara if you’re that way inclined.
Below are some tips for styling out the sweltering office and feeling fresh while doing it.
Get the Gadgets in
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We know that the middle of Lidl is ransacked for fans and wearable ice packs (yes, they are a thing) as soon as a flicker of sunshine hits the British Isles, but getting the gadgets in can transform an office hell into… a slightly cooler, less hellish office.
We all know the sticky discomfort of peeling ourselves off a moist leather chair, but a well-aimed fan and a maxi dress will help you escape.
Make Up
If you like a matte look, forget it. We are all ‘dewy’ now, the sun has spoken.
A bare visage with a liberal dousing of factor 50 is probably optimum in a face-melting heatwave, but if make up is a part of your daily routine, pare it down to something shimmery and light.
Lip tints with a sweep of vaseline on top keep lips hydrated while looking pretty and can double as a lightweight cheek tint. A slick of waterproof mascara and a bit of highlight to make a sweaty sheen look deliberate are smart choices.
Face mists and hydrating sprays can be an absolute godsend, especially if you can pop it in the office fridge.
Oh, and as a last word, if you’re wearing sunscreen everyday, make sure you invest in an oil-based cleanser to wash it off thoroughly every night. I recommend double cleansing with an oil cleanser and slathering on a lightweight sleeping pack before bed.
Image credit: The Shirt Company Riviera dress
Good coverage with a drapey, breathable fabric can feel more cool and airy than exposed skin by protecting your skin from the sun's rays, even through the office double glazing.
Think billowing sleeves so you can also whirl around like Stevie Nicks in a particularly breezy hallway while nobody is watching.
Linen is a chic summertime fabric which looks wonderful in the office and is a soothing balm in the heat. We recommend going for a bright coloured shirt with pale, loose trousers to look stylish and keep you cool.
Crisp white cotton goes without saying - even typing the words feels cooling on this balmy summer evening. At the risk of not-so-subtle product placement, I’m wearing my Mister Darcy shirt right now!
Embrace the Holiday Vibes
Image credit: Seasaltcornwall
Going to the office is a challenge when the often uninspiring British streets feel transformed into continental Europe with picnics and jollity on every inch of grass space.
I’m sure most readers know full well the power of clothing to lift the mood just a notch, so embrace those tropical prints that you worry aren’t quite office appropriate.
The office isn’t exactly appropriate on an absolute scorcher either - own it.
Ice Pops
Want to instantly be the most popular person in the office and get a break in the sun? Nip over to your nearest supermarket and get your clammy comrades a big box full of ice pops. I’ve never had a bad reception yet!
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I hate to be that person, but get a giant bottle of water and cram it in the fridge immediately, get in early if you have to. If you’re feeling really fancy, pop the mint from last night's mojitos you may or may not still be recovering from in there, and get maximum enjoyment from your smug hydration of the day.